Our before-and after-school enrichment program, SMARTS (Students Motivated through the Arts), has a mission to provide at-risk youth with a safe, stimulating, and nurturing place to grow academically, emotionally, and creatively. Our primary focus is to “keep our youth off the streets,” while instilling integrity and diversity.
The purpose of the program is to develop our youth in performing arts as well as academics. SMARTS provides supervised homework completion, an afternoon snack, and one hour of creative dance movement.
Physical Benefits
Whether your child is still a toddler or already in grade school, dance offers many physical benefits. Dance allows your child to practice coordination, strength, and endurance on a regular basis. Your child will learn to move their entire body and put their natural energy to good use.
Experienced Dentist
By the time children reach three or four years old, they are likely beginning to see themselves in relation to other kids. A child’s self-centered world typically opens up and allows others to enter. However, that doesn’t come without much learning and practice. For our students, dance class allows them to practice social skills in a positive way. Over time, your child will learn the value of cooperation, teamwork, and sharing.

SMARTS Program Currently Serves:
Ardmore Elementary School
C.T. Reed Elementary School
Gaywood Elementary School
Glenn Dale Elementary School
James McHenry Elementary School
Ardmore Elementary School
Kingsford Elementary School
Robert Goddard Montessori School
Seabrook Elementary School
Woodmore Elementary School
Thomas Pullen Elementary School
Thomas Johnson Middle School